Wednesday, 7 November 2012

NaNoWriMo - One week in

Well it seemed like a good idea at the time - writing a book will be fun right? I suppose it is fun but it's also a lot harder than I thought it would be.

I'm going to use this logo as much as I can as at the moment I'm not holding out much hope of getting  a winners logo. To be fair, my challenge said participate in Nano and didn't say anything about winning it but if I'm doing this thing I want to do it properly.

For those of you who don't know about NaNoWriMo, in order to win you have to write 50,000 words in the 30 days of November. That sounds like a crazy number but when you break it down to a daily amount it doesn't sound too bad. 1667 words a day should be perfectally achieveable. SHOULD being the word here, I've not come anywhere that. I should have written 11666 words by now but so far I've got the grand total of 4681 - nearly 7000 words behind :-(

There are some positives though - I've got another challenge ticked off as I have now officially participated, I've managed to at least write something every day and the last few days I've felt like I finally know where I'm going with my story. Just need to work out how on earth I'm going to catch up.

I'm feeling a bit of a mammoth session coming up this weekend. I only really have an hour to write during the week by the time I get home from work and get everything done so the weekend is the ideal time to catch up. I reckon I also need to treat this as more of a draft and not spend so much time worrying about how it sounds and messing about with it. At this stage its more about getting the words  down on the page!!! I can always edit in December.

I'm also thinking a little notebook in my handbag would be good. Too many hours are wasted sat doing nothing on the bus. There's nothing to say my 50,000 words all have to be on the laptop so I'm thinking I might go all retro and hand write a few chapters on the bus. More hours writing = more words, simple really!!!

And the last thing I need to do is just write. Stop procrastinating and get on with it. Which really means I should get off here and back to my novel. I'm determined to catch up and get it finished. Wish me luck!!!


  1. I carry a notebook and pen everywhere. I feel naked without them. All of my poems and many of my blog posts start life in a notebook. If nothing else, I have 53 and counting notebooks on my shelf that say I wrote SOMETHING :)

    1. 53 notebooks - wow!!! That's a lot of writing. I'm still new to all this but am definitely thinking a notebook in my handbag is the way to go. Big catch up session tomorrow :-)
