So I've not blogged for a little while and it might look like I'm not doing anything with my challenges but I've got quite a few that are in progress at the moment. Just because I'm quiet, doesn't mean I'm doing nowt.
Me and Dan have been away this weekend for Dan's birthday. His birthday is actually in April but that's another story! We've been over to York and had a really lovely time. We just went to relax and have a good time but if I can make progress on a few challenges while I'm there, even better :-)
I've made good progress on the Betty's challenge. They have two cafes in York - the big one on St Helen's Square and a smaller one on Stonegate that used to be called Little Betty's but is now just Betty's Stonegate. It's really no great hardship to eat at any of them. I really love Betty's, what's not to love about gorgeous food and cream cakes? I suppose the challenge bit comes from getting to them all - the others are in Ilkley, Harrogate and Northallerton. My mam loves Betty's too though so I'm sure if I smile sweetly she might be persuaded to help (Hello mum, fancy afternoon tea sometime?)
We had dinner at Betty's Stonegate yesterday. I had mushroom pancakes and as they're on the autumn menu at the moment I had to have treacle tart for pudding. Well it'd be rude not to really!!! This afternoon we went to big Betty's where we were booked into the Belmont room upstairs for their famous afternoon tea.
Mmmmmm, it was so good. The butties were lovely - chicken, ham, egg and salmon but really they just get in the way of the cake. They give you two scones and three cakes so that's obviously a perfectly reasonable amount to eat and not greedy at all.
It's not all been eating while we were there though. I've also added another two museums to my museum challenge. It was almost three but we decided The Chocolate Story was more of an attraction than a museum. I loved it though, they kept feeding me chocolate :-)
We spent Saturday afternoon at the Castle Museum. I remember going there as a kid. In my head we went loads of times but it was probably only about twice. I remember loving the Victorian street and being frightened to death of the prison and it was the same this weekend. Although I managed to get round the jail without crying this time.
This morning we went to the National Railway Museum. I didn't really want to go but Dan did and as it was officially his birthday weekend I thought I'd better do something he wanted to do. I actually enjoyed i more than I thought I would. I enjoyed the station hall looking at all the royal trains - they were like little houses on trains and there was a display about post offices and trains which I found really interesting. I love post office stuff and letters - just call me Mrs Goggins! The great hall wasn't as interesting for me - once you've seen one big engine you've seen them all. Some of them were huge though - the wheels were taller than me!
Anyway I've had a really lovely weekend, back to normal now though. Need to get back on with the Nanowrimo, not done any for a few days. And I'm planning my next way of raising money for my £1001 for charity challenge, more details soon!
we went to the railway museum last year, I know what you mean about seen one engine... but i loved the carriages too