Chilling day at home today. Not been on any great adventures, I guess that will come later in the challenge. It's been a lovely day though. Lots of coffee, my books and my stitching. Both of which will help me with challenges although today it was more about them just being relaxing and fun.
I've also become slightly addicted to the free rice game. I didn't know about this website until I signed up for the 101 things challenge but its good fun and helping people at the same time. Basically its a multiple choice quiz game and for every answer you get right 10 grains of rice are donated to hungry people around the world. I wasn't too sure about it at first but it's run by the united nations world food programme. It's competely free to play and it does seem that by playing you are genuinally helping.
"Freerice is not sitting on a pile of rice. You and other Freerice players
earn it 10 grains at a time. Here is how it works: when you play the game,
sponsor banners appear on the bottom of your screen for every correct answer
that you choose. The money generated by these banners is then used to buy the
rice. So by playing, you generate the money that pays for the rice donated to
hungry people."
My aim is to have donated 1,000,000 grains of rice by the end of the 1001 days. Two days in and I've already donated 7280.
I've been able to tick off another challenge today as Kerry has started her own 101 in 1001 list. Also I've got my very first follower on here (thanks Dan!) so thats another one underway. I think I've worked out how to add a follow button now to make it easier for you all. So if you're reading - please click!!
Oh well done Janet, will definitely follow you, my 101 is done now and up on the site, my user name is KerryKerry77.