Thursday, 30 August 2012

Coffee, cakes and challenges

I received a huge parcel in the post this morning. It was all the extra stuff I had ordered for my Macmillan Coffee Morning. The worlds biggest coffee morning  has taken place to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support every year since 1991 and so far has raised over £60 million. I decided to get involved this year as part of my challenge to raise £1001 for charity.

The official date for this year's event is Friday 28th September. I never do anything the proper way though!! I'm either going to be at work that day or more likely still hobbling about after my knee op. Either way that date isn't going to work. I'm thinking I'll hold my coffee morning towards the end of the October half-term holiday. It'll give me a full week to get all my baking done, I've found some lovely recipes I can't wait to get started on. The exact date and time is still to be decided. I'm hoping to hire a room somewhere as I want to have quite a big event and raise as much money as possible. My house is too small and even if I could squeeze everyone in, I'm thinking Dexter dog and a coffee morning won't mix.

I'm really looking forward to my coffee morning as it combines two of my favourite things - coffee and cakes! Another challenge that will let me enjoy both is to go to every Betty's at least once during the challenge. I've just booked a weekend in York for later in the year so thats two of them I'll be able to cross off the list. We'll be eating at both big Betty's and Little Betty's while we're there - well it'd be rude not to! I'm hoping they'll be on their winter menu when we go so I can have their treacle tart for pudding - yum :-)

It's done nothing but rain here the last few days so I've been getting through loads of coffee, no cake this time though. It's been coffee, cross stitch and films. My cross stitch is coming along slowly but it's starting to look good and I've watched some good films as part of my A-Z challenge. Watched a few that don't count too but I've enjoyed them and thats the main thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jan, good luck with the coffee morning and getting your fundraising target. x
