I love nice post. Boring post like bills and stuff you can keep but a nice hand written letter through the post is always nice. With all my penpals I get nice post more often than nasty post and there's usually at least one letter waiting for me when I get home from work.
I only had the one letter today, but it was very definitely a nice one and really put a smile on my face. I noticed the World Vision logo first and then the Sierra Leone stamps so I knew it had to be my first letter from Princess, the little girl I've been sponsoring for a few months.
I'd sent a letter off to Princess as soon as I started sponsoring her and was really looking forward to hearing from her and finding out more about her. Princess is in school but is still learning to read and write so was helped with her letter by a volunteer at the World Vision centre. He told me how proud her family are that she is in school. I also learnt a bit more about Princess' community. The local language is Mende and most people are farmers with a few fishermen.
Although the letter was written by a volunteer, Princess had added some pictures at the bottom. While it was only a short letter, it was one that really made me smile and that I'm going to keep somewhere safe. I already knew that World Vision were doing great work but this letter made it all seem more real somehow. It's a real little girl that they're making a difference for. And not just her - her family and community too. I'm looking forward to receiving lots more letters.
If you'd like lovely post like this, why not sponsor a child? It was a lot cheaper than I expected and really does make a difference.
oh Jan, how lovely to receive that.